Why do I have to Apply before Registering for the Fall Academy?
The Ascension Lacrosse Academy program and curriculum are built around effective coach to player ratios thus there are a limited and set number of available slots per position per grade to optimize player development during each Academy session. In order to maximize drill efficiency and effectiveness and ultimately player development, players must have baseline proficiency in skill level from a "Learn to Train' and 'Train to Train' readiness perspective. In addition the academy wants to ensure that we make the overall most effective decisions for you players development based on review of the overall application volume by position and grade to maximize your players developmental experience. Lastly there are events within the Fall Academy sessions that require a specific number of players by position to effectively execute during certain sessions and we want to ensure the optimal amount of player repetitions for registered players.
Once I Apply for the Fall Academy session is my slot confirmed?
No. After an application is submitted a player will receive either a registration and payment link email or a waitlist notification email after review of the currently available positional slots.
Do I have to Apply prior to each Academy offering?
No. Initially you must Apply prior to registering for the Fall Academy programming only. Players who participate in the previous Fall Academy offering will receive priority to register for the next Academy offering prior to registration opening up to other applicants. Ascension holds other Academy sessions beyond the Fall Academy program that do not require players to apply for and is on a first come first served basis until maximum capacities are met. Ascension will not settle for anything less than optimal coach to player ratios in any training session.
Do I have to register for all Academy offerings for the year all at once?
No. Each Academy offering will have a separate registration.